So far, I've helped almost 100 founders, like you, secure their first and second investments using my easy to follow 

Investor-Ready framework.


Securing investors is the hardest part of your entrepreneurial journey - ever.

What's at the core of your struggle?

The struggle is real, and common. I mean, this isn't exactly the kind of thing you get taught in school or university. 

Many entrepreneurs in fact never need to go down this route of fund raising but for some business ventures you simply have to secure funding.

These are the most common mistakes I see would be entrepreneurs making:

  • You aren't presenting the right information or data. 
  • You don't fully understand how funding works. 
  • You don't know what investors are looking for. 
  • You don't know what is going to put investors off. 
  • You don't know how to seek the right investors or the pitfalls of the wrong investor. 

Securing investment is only easy when you know how. When you don't, you are likely to find yourself in a spiral that might look a little like this.

  • Investment pitches failing again and again.
  • Feeling that your investor opportunities are failing because they don't really understand. 
  • Your time is so consumed with investor seeking and preparation there is little time for anything else!
  • Frustrated at seeing other seemingly less profitable products securing investments and leaving you behind. 
  • You start to doubt if you'll ever be able to move your product forward.

Welcome to


The course for Founders to get funded

  • Become crystal clear on your funding strategy with your own step by step plan. 
  • Know exactly who your perfect fit investor is and how to find them. 
  • Have your 2 critical pitch decks researched and ready. 
  • Be presentation prepared with a perfect powerful blend of data and storytelling. 
  • Understand what your investor is looking for and what will instantly put them off. 
  • Share your journey with other Founders doing the same as you. 
  • Never be stressing alone in uncertainty or feel overwhelmed ever again. 
  • Importantly actually get your first or second investment secured with your dream investor.
Hi I'm Agata,
Just like you I had a dream to launch a product, in my case it was a vitamin fortified snack bar.  And I did.

I raised over €750k for my own start-up, Spoons of Taste, now successfully running at high 6 figures annual revenue. The  funding I secured was from Venture Capital and Public Grants.

This experience and my career as an investment banker at JP Morgan and Bloomberg enabled me to create what is now a proven framework the INVESTOR-READY™️ framework which today has an enormous impact with founders around the world.  

 ⭐️ To date almost 100 founders have received their first and second investment. 

⭐️ This is an astonishing 98% success rate. 

⭐️ Most founders get their first investment within 4 months of taking the INVESTOR-READY™️ actions.

⭐️ Plus I have helped other founders raise over €12 million in 10 different markets. Whatever your market this framework works.

Meet the Modules

These 8 Modules take you from zero to invested!

Fundimentals of Fundraising

How funding works, the different kinds  and what is most relevant to your needs.

Get your Data Dialled in

What is the key data you need to have at your finger tips. 

How to find your ideal investor

This is such a thing as the wrong investor, find the right investors. 

 Pitch Prep

Pitch plan perfect! Stay organised, have a clear pathway. 

The 'Send Ahead' pitch. 

A critical part of nurturing your investor.

The Perfect Pitch Deck

Pitching to your would be investor is a skill and having the right pitch deck is essential.

How to make 'The Pitch'

Beyond the data master the presentation with engaging storytelling.

Closing the deal

What happens next. How to close the deal post presentation.

Plus these tools to make taking action easier

Learning and taking action has been made easy and super actionable for you with these supporting materials:

  • Over 20 Videos
  • Scripts
  • Check lists
  • Templates

And to get you there even faster:

Two Live Monthly Group Masterclasses

Each month I do a deep dive into a topic which the community has voted for.


Network and share your journey with other founders who truly understand what you are going through.

Weekly Live Q&A Sessions

Never feel stuck in your journey with your questions answered each week.

What is this program worth to you?


To have all of this on a one to one basis.

would cost you in the region of 7,500.

These materials alone would be worth 2,000.


  • Stop spending hours researching on google. 
  • Stop downloading yet another free guide. 
  • Stop watching endless youtube videos. 

You DO need to invest in yourself, but you DON'T need to spend a fortune.

This could be you too


Teja 🇬🇧

"As a first time founder, I was so confused how to fundraise, and working together with Agata, gave me so much clarity and structure on how to fundraise, how to strategize everything. And also she helped me make an amazing pitch deck which I am now confident to present to all of the investors I'm talking to."



"Working with agata in the pitch course program helped me build an investment ready pitch deck. Now I can confidently pitch in front of investors. I would recommend it to anyone starting their fundraising journey."

What's the investment?




not €999

not even €499

 But an incredible €199 ONLY


More success stories


See Results Or Get Your Money Back!

That's right, but note that obviously I can’t guarantee your success – no one can.

The strategies in my INVESTOR READY framework only work if you do the work.

But I promise you if you put the work in and go through each of the modules, turn up to the masterclasses and complete the bonus materials.  If you ensure that you take the time to properly implement the framework and pitch strategies funding will come to you.
This is because this is the framework and strategies I have use and my clients and students have also used successfully. 

This is why, I’m confident you’ll LOVE this course and that you’ll start seeing results within the first 30 days.

But if that doesn’t happen, all you have to do is show me that you’ve followed the steps that I teach in this course and that you have implemented the framework and strategies without seeing results, then I will refund your money.
Meaning you risk nothing today.
Note: we do not offer refunds based on a change of mind.
You will have access to absolutely everything as soon as you enroll. Therefore, we will ask you to show us proof that you’ve implemented the strategies.

Sign up today and start your journey immediately with instant access


 Our strong and active community

 20+ Plug & Play templates, checklists, scripts, and more!

 20+ videos across 5 modules

 Weekly Q&A's with Agata

✓ NEW (BONUS): 2 monthly masterclasses LIVE with Agata!